Pi Kappa Alpha, Gamma Alpha Chapter
Pi Kappa Alpha (ΠΚΑ) or Pike is a college fraternity founded at the University of Virginia in 1868. The fraternity has over 220 chapters and colonies across the United States and Canada with over 15,500 undergraduate members and 270,000 lifetime initiates. Pi Kappa Alpha was founded on Sunday evening March 1, 1868, at 47 West Range (The Range) at the University of Virginia, by Robertson Howard, Julian Edward Wood, James Benjamin Sclater Jr., Frederick Southgate Taylor, Littleton Waller Tazewell Bradford and William Alexander. On March 1, 1869, exactly one year after the Alpha Chapter at the University of Virginia was formed, the Beta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha was founded at Davidson College.
Chapter Information
Chapter Website: www.alabamapikes.org
National Website: www.pikes.org
Chapter Address
Mailing & Shipping
Pi Kappa Alpha
MSC# 870511
1831 University Station
Tuscaloosa AL 35487
Pi Kappa Alpha
202 University Blvd
Tuscaloosa AL 35401
*Do not ship to this address