Phi Kappa Sigma, Alpha Kappa Chapter

Phi Kappa Sigma (ΦΚΣ) is an international all-male college secret and social fraternity. Its members are known as “Phi Kaps”, “Skulls” and sometimes “Skullhouse”, the latter two because of the skull and crossbones on the Fraternity’s badge and coat of arms. Phi Kappa Sigma was founded by Dr. Samuel Brown Wylie Mitchell at the University of Pennsylvania. Mitchell recorded the initial ideas and concepts of Phi Kappa Sigma on August 16, 1850. He then began to discuss the idea with other students, first Charles Hare Hutchinson, and then Alfred Victor du Pont (son of Alfred V. du Pont), John Thorne Stone, Andrew Adams Ripka, James Bayard Hodge, and Duane Williams.

Chapter Information

President: Henry Danaher

Recruitment Chair: Bryce Bartle

New Member Educator: Aidan Jones

Chapter Website:

National Website:

Chapter Address

Mailing & Shipping

Phi Kappa Sigma
MSC# 870523
1831 University Station
Tuscaloosa AL 35487


Phi Kappa Sigma
430 Smithwood Circle
House D
Tuscaloosa AL 35401

*Do not ship to this address