Beta Theta Pi, Delta Theta Chapter
Beta Theta Pi (ΒΘΠ also “Beta”) is a North American social fraternity that was founded in 1839 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. The fraternity currently consists of 109 active chapters and 19 colonies in the United States and Canada. More than 200,000 members have been initiated worldwide and there are currently around 9,000 undergraduate members. Beta Theta Pi is the oldest of the three fraternities that formed the Miami Triad along with Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Chi.
Chapter Information
Chapter Website: bamabeta.com
National Website: betathetapi.org
Chapter Address
Mailing & Shipping
Beta Theta Pi
MSC# 870504
1831 University Station
Tuscaloosa AL 35487
Beta Theta Pi
960 University Blvd
Tuscaloosa AL 35401
*Do not ship to this address